
Maximierung der Kampagnenperformance durch verbesserte Keyword-Optimisierung

TravelCLICK, Inc hat eine neue Paid Search Technologie entwickelt, die kontinuierlich die Auswahl der Keywords in Internetmarketingkampagnen der Hotellerie optimiert.

“With the enhanced paid search marketing capability, hotels now have state-of-the-art bid management technology and continuously updated keyword algorithms that optimize click-through rates and reduce overall cost-per-click. Customers receive trackable measurement of all on-line and off-line (call center reservation) activity generated directly from paid search campaigns.”

“To date, the hotel industry’s process for purchasing keywords and tracking results of actual room revenue has been rudimentary at best. With our new solution, hoteliers can cost-effectively maximise the amount of keywords best associated with their property best practice providing more relevant search results that deliver greater value to both the Internet consumer and the advertiser,”

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