TRAVELOCITY is operating a booking engine on the State of Maryland's tourism Web site and is paying a commission to the state for every sale. "It isn't the traditional state office of tourism function," said Dennis Castleman, director of the Maryland Office of Tourism. "But I believe this is the future of what state tourism offices will do. It is another step in using technology that is available to provide more information and more service to our customer." The booking engine enables consumers seeking travel and vacation information about Maryland to book air tickets, car rentals, hotel accommodations and admission to attractions. The functionality went live on Aug. 25 at
Die Internetportale erschliessen sich damit offenbar neue Geschäftsfelder. Vielleicht sollten sich die Marketing- und Vertriebsverantwortlichen von größeren Destinationen überlegen, ob sie den gleichen Weg gehen können. Was hindert Berlin, Münchenoder das Rhein-Main-Gebiet daran entsprechende One-Stop-Shopping-Möglickeiten anzubieten.
Tags: tourism, internet portal, travelocity, maryland, destination management
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