
Social Travel Website TripConnect.com

Web 2.0 Travel Tools: TripConnect.com

Dieses Tool hilft bei der Reiseplanung durch Hinweise eines Netzwerkes von Freunden und anderen Interessierten am ins Auge gefassten Reiseziel.


"TripConnect allows you to get travel advice from a network of friends and others who share your tastes and interests." (from their website)
TripConnect started up in September 2006


TripConnect alows members to list, review and blog about places where you have been, and asking others members about places you want to go. TripConnect also allows you to suggest and join special interest groups (see the image above),


posted by Alan A. Lew, The Travel Geographer @ Monday, February 05, 2007

Source: Web 2.0 Travel Tools: TripConnect.com

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